Monday, August 11, 2008

Learnings of my Life

" Every mistakes, there's a new learnings." That qoutation is what I stand for. This is my living testimony for every challenges that I've encountered.
Since the first day of classses, I've already discovered a lot of new learnings from my classmates and nteachers of various subjects. Now that I'm already in the last step of high school life I've felt how hectic our schedules are. There's a lot of works and responsibilities that were given to us which test our abilities if we'll remain tougher and stronger or prefer to cry at the end. I've learned to value every seconds of time and using it wisely to avoid cramming and rushing. I've realized how important every single of time is especially in making any decisions regarding important matters and in passing all the sujected requierements on time. It was bear in my mind that whatever things have done and every piece of time that have lost won't back anymore. In all the activities that were given by our teachers were help me learn to deal wit different kinds of people, to respect them and accept them as what they are. I've learned to value my friends and all the the people around me. I've learned to love and show my sincerest care for them. For without them, I cant live like what i am right now.
In every activities that were assigned in a group, there should be a teamwork and cooperations. Because I hjave observed that some of the members in a group are not helping and only their leader is working which may cause to the worst presentation.
Big waves, completing the adventurous life , were those problems and challenges that I've encountered. Thse really stirred me up and cause me very frustrated. There were such times that this what we call "pride" isshouting out when I dont know what i am doing. I was tempted not to ask for help to my classmates because I want to show that I have known a lot of things. But thyen I was wrong. I've realized how important their presencxe are. They are correcting my mistakes when I've done wrong especialle when I cant easily cope up with our lessons.
From all these challenges that i have encountered i usually addresed it as my new learnings. Because i believe that every failure there's always a corresponding luxurious of learnings.
Moving on........for the near future, I will see to it that all the learnings that have put by my teachers will surely apply in every steps of life that Iwant to go through which will lead me to the right path of success.